Within a range of different opinions there are members of this Christian community who are also supporters of OneBodyOneFaith and seek a fully inclusive and affirming Church.
This Church supports the statement that:
"It is the conviction of the members of OneBodyOneFaith that human sexuality, sexual orientation and gender identity in all their richness are gifts of God gladly to be accepted, enjoyed and honoured as a way of both expressing and growing in love, in accordance with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Therefore it is their conviction that it is entirely compatible with the Christian faith not only to love another person of the same sex, but also to express that love fully in a personal sexual relationship;
We believe that expressing our gender and sexuality with integrity is important as a way to grow in love and discipleship; we long for the day when Christians fully accept, welcome, affirm and offer equality to everyone in their diversity."
If you identify as LGBTQIA we hope that you will find a welcome here in this Church. Please do search out our named contact person, Colin Izzard, for a personal welcome, and also go to the website of OneBodyOneFaith for further information about Churches and parishes where you will be fully included and embraced.