On Sunday 2nd March from 6.30pm to 8pm
St Michael’s Church will be hosting
our first ever Be:Loved event,
a Fresh Expression of Worship in Hartley Hall
on Flower Lane NW7 2JA,
immediately next door to the main church.
This event will feature Gospel House, Afrobeat
and contemporary spiritual music designed
to get you dancing, praising and praying like you may never have worshipped Jesus before.
The event is for all ages, is free to enter, and is
a safe and inclusive space open to everyone.
At St Michael’s we believe that all are equal
in God’s house.
Our diversity IS God’s diversity.
If you’d like to find out more about Gospel House Music we’ve attached a link below
to an article from a record label which explains the history and power of this
genre of music.
Gospel House miraculously and poignantly speaks of God’s love to the unchurched
in secular nightclubs each and every weekend.
We hope you will see as you read and listen to some of the records in the article
that the Good News of Christ is being shared to those who might not otherwise hear it
through this music, and that is something for which all Christians should rejoice.
While our morning worship at St Michael’s is unapologetically traditional,
in the High Anglican choral tradition, we’re excited to offer you
something completely different on Sunday evenings.
We invite you to put your dancing shoes on, come with an open heart and mind
and let God’s Holy Spirit minister to your body and soul through the healing
power of music.
For those who aren’t sure they’re quite ready to get up and dance there will be seating,
snacks and the usual St Michael’s fellowship as we meet together as God's family
of all ages, making Jesus’s unconditional love known in Mill Hill.
The first 20 people through the door will receive a “glowing” free gift - so don’t be late!
Come early and get the praise party started.
“You have turned my mourning into dancing,
put off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy”
-- Psalm 30