We hold a Junior Church/Youth Meeting for all children and young people of school age in the Hartley Hall, between the opening prayers and confessions
and the celebration of Communion at the 10.30 service.
When we have a wide span of ages, we hold two
separate classes.
We like to vary the style of lessons, including Bible study, worship music and craft work on Bible themes.
There are always at least two adults in the Hall to look after the children.
Children will be welcome without parents as long as they are happy to stay without them,
and if they can take themselves to the toilet if necessary - otherwise, parents,
do feel free to accompany them.
There is a play area at the back of the church for very young children,
and bags of toys and/or a ‘quiet table’ for when they are in church.
Also, worksheets are provided for primary school age children who prefer to stay in church
with their parents.
The first Sunday of every month is our Family Service, where the children stay in church,
and take part by reading Bible passages, making presentations, saying prayers,
playing percussion or singing as a choir.
We look forward to seeing you.