We have been streaming our Sunday Mass on Zoom for over four years now, ever since the lockdown due to COVID-19 in 2020.
It started with Mass from the Vicarage when the church had to be closed.
Later, when we were able to go back into the church with restrictions as to numbers and social distancing, we set up a live video stream in order to allow anyone who was unable or uncomfortable to attend the church in person to be able to join in the services.
A couple of years ago we introduced daily Morning Prayer and Midweek Mass on Zoom only, which have been well attended.
More recently, we started having real-life Mass on Friday mornings in the Lady Chapel, also streamed on Zoom.
We have been given guidelines on streaming live video by the Church of England, with regard to privacy, safeguarding, the General Data Protection Regulations and consent.
In order to comply with these guidelines, we have realised that it is not viable to show live video of our Sunday Mass any longer.
Our Sunday morning Mass at 10:30 continues to be streamed on Zoom with sound only and the order of service shared on the screen.
Morning Prayer and Wednesday Mass are streamed in the same way as they have always been.
The only excepton is Friday Mass at 10:00am, when Father Steven will be seen presiding.
Nobody else will be shown on camera.
Details of our services can be found on our Services and Events page.
Following concerns over safeguarding, security and privacy,
the link for our services on Zoom will no longer be shown on this website.
It will be included in the congregational email bulletin each week.
Contact us if you need help to bookmark it.