logo St Michael and All Angels Mill Hill


A10    Project particulars
A11    Tender and contract documents
A12    The site/ existing buildings
A13    Description of the work
A20    JCT minor work building contract (MW)
A30    Tendering/ subletting/ supply
A31    Provision, content and use of documents
A32    Management of the works
A33    Quality standards/ control
A34    Security/ safety/ protection
A35    Specific limitations on method/ sequence/ timing
A36    Facilities/ temporary work/ services
A37    Operation/ maintenance of the finished works
A40    Contractor's general cost items: management and staff
A41    Contractor's general cost items: site accommodation
A42    Contractor's general cost items: services and facilities
A43    Contractor's general cost items: mechanical plant
A44    Contractor's general cost items: temporary works
A50    Work/ products by/ on behalf of the employer
A53    Work by statutory authorities/ undertakers
A54    Provisional work/ items
A55    Dayworks


Project particulars


110 The Project

  1. Name: Mill Hill, St Michael's Church - Sundry Works
  2. Nature: Installation of Kitchen Servery
  3. Location: 9 Flower Ln, London NW7 2JA
  4. Timescale for construction work: 3 months 120 Employer (client)

120 Employer (Client)

  1. Name: The Reverend Steven Young RNR
  2. Address: St Michael and All Angels Church Flower Lane Mill Hill London NW7 2JA
  3. Contact:
  4. Telephone: 020 8959 1449
  5. Email: priest@smmh.org.uk


130 Principal contractor (CDM)

  1. Name:
  2. Address: 
  3. Contact:
  4. Telephone:
  5. Email:

140 Architect/ contract administrator

  1. Name: Thomas Ford & Partners
  2. Address: 177 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London, SE26 4QH
  3. Contact: Jessica Pearce or Karen Butti
  4. Telephone: 0208 659 3250
  5. Email: jessica.pearce@thomasford.co.uk

150 Principal designer

  1. Name: Pierce Hill Project Services
  2. Address: Unit 1A, Munday Works, Morley Rd, Tonbridge TN9 1RA
  3. Contact: Peter Rowe
  4. Telephone: 01732 471288
  5. Email: peterrowe@phproject.services


Tender and contract documents


110 Tender drawings

1. The tender drawings are: EX-01, PR-01, PR-02, PR-03, PR-04, PR-05

120 Contract drawings

1. The contract drawings: The same as the tender drawings.

160 Pre-construction information

1. Format: The pre-construction information is described in these Preliminaries in section A34. It refers to information given elsewhere in the Preliminaries, specification, drawings and associated documentsThe contract drawings: The same as the tender drawings.

The site/ existing buildings


110 The site

1. Description: St Michael's Church stands in close proximity to the Vicarage and neighbour block of apartments and their private street. It is near to Mill Hill Broadway high street and is on Flower Lane with a Bus Stop directly in front of the site.

120 Existing buildings on/ adjacent to the site

1. Description: Vicarage and residential street

140 Existing utilities and services

1. Drawings: (Information shown is indicative only): Radiator/heating pipework, electrical.

2. Other information: Shown on drawings / site inspection

160 Soils and ground water

1. Information: Included in the tender documents.

170 Site investigation

1. Report: Included in the tender documents.

180 Health and safety file

1. Availability for inspection: The health and safety file for the site/ building may be seen by appointment
during normal office hours at: Sundays from 8am-12pm.

2. Other documents: None.

3. Arrangements for inspection: Employer.

200 Access to the site

1. Description: The site is accessed through a pedestrian pathway from the roadside of Flower Lane.

2. Limitations: Equipment and materials will have to manhandled onto the site.

3. Access for inspections: Provide access at reasonable times for both on-site and off-site work.

210 Parking

1. Restrictions on parking of the Contractor’s and employees' vehicles: Parking available on the street, except from 11am-Noon where Resident Permit holder restrictions apply (weekdays).

220 Use of the site

1. General: Do not use the site for any purpose other than carrying out the Works.

2. Limitations: Cannot park directly next to building, parking available on the street, bus stop directly adjacent to site. Maintain access at all times.

230 Surrounding land/ building uses

1. General: Adjacent or nearby uses or activities are as follows:
  1.1. Residential apartment block, and the Vicarage .

240 Health and safety hazards

1. General: The nature and condition of the site/ building cannot be fully and certainly ascertained before it is opened up. However, the following hazards are or may be present:
  1.1. None that are known.

2. Information: The accuracy and sufficiency of this information is not guaranteed. Ascertain if any additional information is required to ensure the safety of all persons and the works.

3. Site staff: Draw to the attention of all personnel working on the site the nature of any possible contamination and the need to take appropriate precautionary measures.

250 Site visit

1. Assessment: Ascertain the nature of the site, access thereto and all local conditions and restrictions likely to affect the execution of the Works.

2. Arrangements for visit: Arrange with Employer

Description of the work


120 The works

1. Description: New kitchen servery to sit on existing floor, new sink to connect to drainage.

JCT minor work building contract (MW)


JCT minor works building contract
• The contract: JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016 Edition.
• Requirement: Allow for the obligations, liabilities and services described.

The recitals

First - The Works and the Contract Administrator
• The work comprises: Installation of new kitchen servery, with sink unit to connect water waste to existing
external drainage; shown on drawings.
• Architect/ Contract Administrator: See clause A10/140.

Second - Contract documents
• Contract drawings: As listed in clause A11/120.

Third - Priced documents
• Documents to be priced or provided by the Contractor: The specification and drawings


3 - Architect/ Contract Administrator
• Architect/ Contract Administrator: See clause A10/140.

4 and 5 - Principal Designer/ Principal Contractor
• Principal Designer: See clause A10/150.
• Principal Contractor: See clause A10/130.

Contract particulars

Fourth Recital and Schedule 2 - Base date
• Base date: 29th November 2022

Fourth Recital and clause 4.2 - Construction industry scheme (CIS)
• Employer at the Base Date is not a 'contractor' for the purposes of the CIS.

Fifth Recital - CDM Regulations
• The project is notifiable.

Seventh Recital and Schedule 3 - Supplemental provisions
• Collaborative working: Supplemental Provision 1 applies.
• Health and safety: Supplemental Provision 2 applies.
• Cost savings and value improvements: Supplemental Provision 3 applies.
• Sustainable development and environmental considerations: Supplemental Provision 4 applies.
• Performance indicators and monitoring: Supplemental Provision 5 does not apply.
• Notification and negotiation of disputes: Supplemental Provision 6 applies. Where Supplemental Provision 6 applies, the respective nominees of the parties are:
  • Employer's nominee: TBC
  • Contractor's nominee: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR
• Or such replacement as each party may notify to the other from time to time.

Article 7 - Arbitration
• Article 7 and Schedule 1 apply.

Clause 2.2 - Commencement and Completion
• Works commencement date: 1st February 2023
• Date for Completion: 1st May 2023

Clause 2.8 - Liquidated damages
• At the rate of £500 per calendar week or pro-rata thereto.

Clause 2.10 - Rectification period
• Period: Twelve months from the date of practical completion.

Clause 4.3 and 4.8 - Fluctuations provision
• The following fluctuations provision applies: No fluctuations provision applies
• Where Schedule 2 applies, the percentage addition (paragraph 13) is N/A.

Clause 4.8.1 - Supply of documentation for computation of amount to be finally certified
• Period: Three months from the date of practical completion.

Clause 5.3 - Contractor's Public Liability insurance - injury to persons or property
• The required level of cover for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event
• Not less than: £5million

Clauses 5.4A, 5.4B and 5.4C - Insurance of the works, etc. - alternative provisions
• Clause 5.4A applies.
• Where clause 5.4A or 5.4B applies, percentage to cover professional fees: 15 per cent
• Where clause 5.4C applies, insurance arrangements - details of the required policy or policies: details required.

Clause 7.2 - Adjudication
• The Adjudicator is: the RIBA
• Nominating body: Royal Institute of British Architects

Schedule 1 paragraph 2.1 - Arbitration
• Appointor of Arbitrator (and of any replacement): President or a Vice president of the: Royal Institute of
British Architects.

The conditions - No Amendments

Section 1: Definitions and Interpretation

1.4 - Reckoning periods of days
• Amendments: None.

1.8 - Applicable law
• Amendments: None.

Section 2: Carrying out the Works - No Amendments

Section 3: Control of the Works - No Amendments

Section 4: Payment - No Amendments

Section 5: Injury, Damage and Insurance - No Amendments

Section 6: Termination - No Amendments

Section 7: Settlement of Disputes - No Amendments


• The contract: Will be executed under hand.

Contract guarantee bond - No Amendments

Tendering/ subletting/ supply

Main contract tendering

110 Scope
1. General: These conditions are supplementary to those stated in the Invitation to Tender and on the form of tender.

145 Tendering procedure
1. General: In accordance with the principles of: NBS Guide to Tendering for Construction Projects.
2. Arithmetical errors: Overall price is dominant.

160 Exclusions
1. Inability to tender: Immediately inform if any parts of the work as defined in the tender documents cannot be tendered.
2. Relevant parts of the work: Define those parts, stating reasons for the inability to tender.

170 Acceptance of tender
1. Acceptance: No guarantee is offered that any tender will be recommended for acceptance or be accepted, or that reasons for non acceptance will be given.
2. Costs: No liability is accepted for any cost incurred in the preparation of any tender.

190 Period of validity
1. Period: After submission or lodgement, keep tender open for consideration (unless previously withdrawn) for not less than 26 weeks.
2. Date for possession/ commencement: See section A20.

Pricing/ submission of documents

210 Preliminaries in the specification
1. The Preliminaries/ General conditions sections (A10-A56 inclusive) must not be relied on as complying with SMM7/ NRM2.

250 Priced documents
1. Alterations: Do not alter or qualify the priced documents without written consent. Tenders containing
unauthorised alterations or qualifications may be rejected.
2. Measurements: Where not stated, ascertain from the drawings.
3. Deemed included: Costs relating to items, which are not priced, will be deemed to have been included
elsewhere in the tender.
4. Submit:

310 Tender
1. General: Tenders must include for all work shown or described in the tender documents as a whole or
clearly apparent as being necessary for the complete and proper execution of the Works.

440 Schedule of rates
1. Schedule of rates (unpriced): Included with the tender documents. The contractor may insert additional
items. All items must be fully priced.
2. Fully priced copy
  2.1. Submittal date: within one week of request

500 Tender stage method statements
1. Method statements: Prepare, describing how and when the following is to be carried out:
  1.1. Installation of kitchen units, fitted above existing timber floors, connection to drainage works for sink provision, direction of water waste.
2. Statements: Submit within one week of request.

510 Alternative method tenders
1. General: In addition to and at the same time as tendering for the Works as defined in the tender
documents, alternative methods of construction/ installation may be submitted for consideration.
Alternatives, which would involve significant changes to other work, may not be considered.
2. Alternative tenders: Such alternatives will be deemed to be alternative tenders and each must include a
complete and precise statement of the effects on cost and programme.
3. Safety method statement: Carry out a health and safety risk assessment for each alternative and where
appropriate provide a safety method statement suitable for incorporation in the Health and Safety Plan.
4. Full technical data: Submit for each alternative together with details of any consequential amendments to
the design and/ or construction of other parts of the Works.
5. Submit: Within one week of request

515 Alternative time tenders
1. General: In addition to and at the same time as tendering based upon the date or period specified in
section A20, an alternative tender based upon a different date for completion or period may be submitted.
2. Date for completion: If any such tender is accepted the date for completion inserted in the Contract will
be the date stated in the alternative tender or determined from the period stated in the alternative

530 Substitute products
1. Details: If products of different manufacture to those specified are proposed, submit details with the
tender giving reasons for each proposed substitution. Substitutions, which have not been notified at
tender stage, may not be considered.
2. Compliance: Substitutions accepted will be subject to the verification requirements of clause A31/200.

550 Health and safety information
1. Content: Describe the organization and resources to safeguard the health and safety of operatives,
including those of subcontractors, and of any person whom the Works may affect.
2. Include
  2.1. A copy of the health and safety policy document, including risk assessment procedures.
  2.2. Accident and sickness records for the past five years.
  2.3. Records of previous Health and Safety Executive enforcement action.
  2.4. Records of training and training policy.
  2.5. The number and type of staff responsible for health and safety on this project with details of their qualifications and duties.
3. Submit: Within one week of request

570 Outline construction phase health and safety plan
1. Content: Submit the following information within one week of request:
  1.1. Method statements on how risks from hazards identified in the pre-construction information andother hazards identified by the contractor will be addressed.
  1.2. Details of the management structure and responsibilities.
  1.3. Arrangements for issuing health and safety directions.
  1.4. Procedures for informing other contractors and employees of health and safety hazards.
  1.5. Selection procedures for ensuring competency of other contractors, the self-employed and designers.
  1.6. Procedures for communications between the project team, other contractors and site operatives.
  1.7. Arrangements for cooperation and coordination between contractors.
  1.8. Procedures for carrying out risk assessment and for managing and controlling the risk.
  1.9. Emergency procedures including those for fire prevention and escape.
  1.10. Arrangements for ensuring that all accidents, illness and dangerous occurrences are recorded.
  1.11. Arrangements for welfare facilities.
  1.12. Procedures for ensuring that all persons on site have received relevant health and safety information and training.
  1.13. Arrangements for consulting with and taking the views of people on site.
  1.14. Arrangements for preparing site rules and drawing them to the attention of those affected and ensuring their compliance.
  1.15. Monitoring procedures to ensure compliance with site rules, selection and management procedures, health and safety standards and statutory requirements.
  1.16. Review procedures to obtain feedback.

599 Freedom of Information Act
1. Records: Retain, make available for inspection and supply on request information reasonably required to
allow response to requests made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
2. Determination: Submit requests received. Do not supply information to anyone other than the project
participants without express written permission.
3. Confidentiality: Maintain at all times.

Subletting/ supply - No Amendments

Provision, content and use of documents

Definitions and interpretations

110 Definitions
1. Meaning: Terms, derived terms and synonyms used in the preliminaries/ general conditions and
specification are as stated here or in the appropriate referenced document.

120 Communication
1. Definition: Includes advise, inform, submit, give notice, instruct, agree, confirm, seek, provide or obtain
information, consent or instructions, or make arrangements.
2. Format: In writing to the person named in clause A10/140 unless specified otherwise.
3. Response: Do not proceed until response has been received.


130 Products
1. Definition: Materials, both manufactured and naturally occurring, and goods, including components,
equipment and accessories, intended for the permanent incorporation in the Works.
2. Includes: Goods, plant, materials, site materials and things for incorporation into the Works.

135 Site equipment
1. Definition: Apparatus, appliances, machinery, vehicles or things of whatsoever nature required in or about
the construction for the execution and completion of the Works but not materials or other things
intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.
2. Includes: Construction appliances, vehicles, consumables, tools, temporary works, scaffolding, cabins and
other site facilities.
3. Excludes: Products and equipment or anything intended to form or forming part of the permanent works.

140 Drawings
1. Definitions: To BSRIA BG 6, 'A design framework for building services: Design activities and drawing definitions'.
2. CAD data: In accordance with ISO 19650.

145 Contractor's choice
1. Meaning: Selection delegated to the Contractor, but liability to remain with the specifier.

155 Submit proposals
1. Meaning: Submit information in response to specified requirements.

160 Terms used in specification
1. Remove: Disconnect, dismantle as necessary and take out the designated products or work and associated
accessories, fixings, supports, linings and bedding materials. Dispose of unwanted materials. Excludes
removal and disposal of associated pipework, wiring, ductwork or other services.
2. Remediate: Action or measures taken to lessen, clean up, remove or mitigate the existence of hazardous
materials; in accordance with standards, or requirements as may be set out by statutes, rules, regulations
or specification.
3. Fix: Receive, unload, handle, store, protect, place and fasten in position; dispose of waste and surplus
packaging. To include all labour, materials and site equipment for that purpose.
4. Supply and fix: As above, but including supply of products, components or systems to be fixed, together
with everything necessary for their fixing. All products, components or systems are to be supplied and
fixed unless stated otherwise.
5. Keep for reuse: Do not damage designated products or work. Clean off bedding and jointing materials.
Stack neatly, protect adequately and store until required by the employer/ purchaser, or until required for
use in the works as instructed.
6. Keep for recycling: As 'keep for reuse', but relates to a naturally occurring material rather than a
manufactured product.
7. Make good: Execute local remedial work to designated work. Make secure, sound and neat. Excludes
redecoration and/ or replacement.
8. Replace: Supply and fix new products matching those removed. Execute work to match original new state
of that removed.
9. Repair: Execute remedial work to restore something to its original working state. Make secure, sound and
neat. Excludes redecoration and/ or replacement.
10. Refix: Fix removed products.
11. Ease: Adjust moving parts of designated products, or work to achieve free movement and good fit in open
and closed positions.
12. Match existing: Provide products and work of the same appearance and features as the original, excluding
ageing and weathering. Make joints between existing and new work as inconspicuous as possible.
13. System: Equipment, accessories, controls, supports and ancillary items (including installation) necessary for
that section of the work to function.

170 Manufacturer and product reference
1. Definition: When used in this combination:
  1.1. Manufacturer: the person or legal entity under whose name or trademark the particular product, component or system is marketed
  1.2. Product reference: the proprietary brand name and/ or identifier by which the particular product, component or system is described.
2. Currency: References are to the particular product as specified in the manufacturer’s technical literature current on the date of the invitation to tender.

200 Substitution of products
1. Products: If an alternative product to that specified is proposed, obtain approval before ordering the
2. Reasons: Submit reasons for the proposed substitution.
3. Documentation: Submit relevant information, including:
  3.1. manufacturer and product reference;
  3.2. cost;
  3.3. availability;
  3.4. relevant standards;
  3.5. performance;
  3.6. function;
  3.7. compatibility of accessories;
  3.8. proposed revisions to drawings and specification;
  3.9. compatibility with adjacent work;
  3.10. appearance;
  3.11. copy of warranty/ guarantee.
4. Alterations to adjacent work: If needed, advise scope, nature and cost.
5. Manufacturers’ guarantees: If substitution is accepted, submit before ordering products.

210 Cross references
1. Accuracy: Check remainder of the annotation or item description against the terminology used in the
section or clause referred to.
2. Related terminology: Where a numerical cross reference is not given, the relevant sections and clauses of
the specification will apply.
3. Relevant clauses: Clauses in the referred to specification section dealing with general matters, ancillary
products and execution also apply.
4. Discrepancy or ambiguity: Before proceeding, obtain clarification or instructions.

220 Referenced documents
1. Conflicts: Specification prevails over referenced documents.

230 Equivalent products
1. Inadvertent omission: Wherever products are specified by proprietary name the phrase 'or equivalent' is to be deemed included.

240 Substitution of standards
1. Specification to British Standard or European Standard: Substitution may be proposed complying with a
grade or category within a national standard of another Member State of the European Community or an
international standard recognised in the UK.
2. Before ordering: Submit notification of all such substitutions.
3. Documentary evidence: Submit for verification when requested as detailed in clause A31/200. Any
submitted foreign language documents must be accompanied by certified translations into English.

250 Currency of documents and information
1. Currency: References to published documents are to the editions, including amendments and revisions,
current on the date of the Invitation to Tender.

260 Sizes
1. General dimensions: Products are specified by their co-ordinating sizes.
2. Timber: Cross section dimensions shown on drawings are:
  2.1. Target sizes as defined in BS EN 336 for structural softwood and hardwood sections.
  2.2. Finished sizes for non-structural softwood or hardwood sawn and further processed sections.

Documents provided on behalf of the employer

410 Additional copies of drawings/ documents
1. Additional copies: Issued free of charge.

440 Dimensions
1. Scaled dimensions: Do not rely on.

450 Measured quantities
1. Ordering products and constructing the Works: The accuracy and sufficiency of the measured quantities is not guaranteed.
2. Precedence: The specification and drawings shall override the measured quantities.

460 The specification
1. Coordination: All sections must be read in conjunction with Main Contract Preliminaries/ General conditions.

Documents provided by contractor/ subcontractors/ suppliers

630 Technical literature
1. Information: Keep on site for reference by all supervisory personnel:
  1.1. Manufacturers' current literature relating to all products to be used in the Works.
  1.2. Relevant British, EN or ISO Standards.

640 Maintenance instructions and guarantees
1. Components and equipment: Obtain or retain copies, register with manufacturer and hand over on or
before completion of the Works.
2. Information location: In Building Manual.
3. Emergency call out services: Provide telephone numbers for use after completion. Extent of cover: office hours only.

Management of the works


110 Supervision
1. General: Accept responsibility for coordination, supervision and administration of the Works, including subcontracts.
2. Coordination: Arrange and monitor a programme with each subcontractor, supplier, local authority and statutory undertaker, and obtain and supply information as necessary for coordination of the work.

115 Considerate Constructors Scheme
1. Registration: Before starting work, register the site and pay the appropriate fee.
2. Contact
  2.1. Address: Considerate Constructors Scheme Office, PO Box 75, Great Amwell, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 0YX.
  2.2. Tel: 01920 485959.
  2.3. Fax: 01920 485958.
  2.4. Free phone: 0800 7831423.
  2.5. Web: www.ccscheme.org.uk.
  2.6. E mail: enquiries@ccscheme.org.uk.
3. Standard: Comply with the scheme's Code of Considerate Practice.
  3.1. Minimum compliance level:

117 Constructing Better Health scheme
1. Membership: Register and submit evidence of registration.
2. Contact
  2.1. Constructing Better Health, B&CE Building, Manor Royal, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9QP.
  2.2. Tel: 0845 873 7726
  2.3. Email: info@cbhscheme.co.uk
  2.4. Website: www.cbhscheme.co.uk

120 Insurance
1. Documentary evidence: Before starting work on site submit details, and/ or policies and receipts for the insurances required by the Conditions of Contract.

130 Insurance claims
1. Notice: If any event occurs which may give rise to any claim or proceeding in respect of loss or damage to
the Works or injury or damage to persons or property arising out of the Works, immediately give notice
to the employer/ client, the person administering the Contract on their behalf and the Insurers.
2. Failure to notify: Indemnify the employer/ client against any loss, which may be caused by failure to give such notice.

150 Ownership
1. Alteration/ clearance work: Materials arising become the property of the Contractor except where
otherwise stated. Remove from site as work proceeds.

Programme/ progress

210 Programme
1. Master programme: Immediately when requested and before starting work on site submit in an approved
form a master programme for the Works, which must include details of:
  1.1. Planning and mobilisation by the Contractor
  1.2. Subcontractor's work.
  1.3. Running in, adjustment, commissioning and testing of all engineering services and installations.
  1.4. Work resulting from instructions issued in regard to the expenditure of provisional sums.
  1.5. Work by others concurrent with the Contract.
2. Submit three copies.

245 Start of work on site
1. Notice: Before the proposed date for start of work on site give minimum notice of ……….

260 Site meetings
1. General: Site meetings will be held to review progress and other matters arising from administration of the Contract.
2. Frequency: Every month
3. Location: On site.
4. Accommodation: Ensure availability at the time of such meetings.
5. Attendees: Attend meetings and inform subcontractors and suppliers when their presence is required.
6. Chairperson (who will also take and distribute minutes): Contract Administrator

280 Photographs
1. Number of locations: 3
2. Frequency of intervals: Weekly
3. Image format: Jpeg
4. Number of images from each location: 3
5. Other requirements: High resolution jpegs

290 Notice of completion
1. Requirement: Give notice of the anticipated dates of completion of the whole or parts of the Works.
2. Associated works: Ensure necessary access, services and facilities are complete.
3. Period of notice (minimum): Two weeks

310 Extensions of time
1. Notice: When a notice of the cause of any delay or likely delay in the progress of the works is given under
the contract, written notice must also be given of all other causes which apply concurrently.
2. Details: As soon as possible submit:
  2.1. Relevant particulars of the expected effects, if appropriate, related to the concurrent causes.
  2.2. An estimate of the extent, if any, of the expected delay in the completion of the Works beyond the date for completion.
  2.3. All other relevant information required.

Control of cost

420 Removal/ replacement of existing work
1. Extent and location: Agree before commencement.
2. Execution: Carry out in ways that minimize the extent of work.

430 Proposed instructions
1. Estimates: If a proposed instruction requests an estimate of cost, submit without delay and in any case within seven days.

440 Measurement
1. Covered work: Give notice before covering work required to be measured.

470 Products not incorporated into the Works
1. Ownership: At the time of each valuation, supply details of those products not incorporated into the
Works which are subject to any reservation of title inconsistent with passing of property as required by
the Conditions of Contract, together with their respective values.
2. Evidence: When requested, provide evidence of freedom of reservation of title.

Quality standards/ control

Standards of products and executions

110 Incomplete documentation
1. General: Where and to the extent that products or work are not fully documented, they are to be:
  1.1. Of a kind and standard appropriate to the nature and character of that part of the Works where they will be used.
  1.2. Suitable for the purposes stated or reasonably to be inferred from the project documents.
2. Contract documents: Omissions or errors in description and/ or quantity shall not vitiate the Contract nor release the Contractor from any obligations or liabilities under the Contract.

120 Workmanship skills
1. Operatives: Appropriately skilled and experienced for the type and quality of work.
2. Registration: With Construction Skills Certification Scheme.
3. Verification: When requested, operatives must produce evidence of skills/ qualifications.

130 Quality of products
1. Generally: New. (Proposals for recycled products may be considered).
2. Supply of each product: From the same source or manufacturer.
3. Whole quantity of each product required to complete the Works: Consistent kind, size, quality and
overall appearance.
4. Tolerances: Where critical, measure a sufficient quantity to determine compliance.
5. Deterioration: Prevent. Order in suitable quantities to a programme and use in appropriate sequence.

135 Quality of execution
1. Generally: Fix, apply, install or lay products securely, accurately, plumb, neatly and in alignment.
2. Colour batching: Do not use different colour batches where they can be seen together.
3. Dimensions: Check on-site dimensions.
4. Finished work: Without defects, e.g. not damaged, disfigured, dirty, faulty, or out of tolerance.
5. Location and fixing of products: Adjust joints open to view so they are even and regular.

140 Evidence of Compliance
1. Proprietary products: Retain on site evidence that the proprietary product specified has been supplied.
2. Performance specification: Submit evidence of compliance, including test reports indicating:
  2.1. Properties tested.
  2.2. Pass/ fail criteria.
  2.3. Test methods and procedures.
  2.4. Test results.
  2.5. Identity of testing agency.
  2.6. Test dates and times.
  2.7. Identities of witnesses.
  2.8. Analysis of results.

150 Inspections
1. Products and executions: Inspection or any other action must not be taken as approval unless confirmed
in writing referring to:
  1.1. Date of inspection.
  1.2. Part of the work inspected.
  1.3. Respects or characteristics which are approved.
  1.4. Extent and purpose of the approval.
  1.5. Any associated conditions.

160 Related work
1. Details: Provide all trades with necessary details of related types of work. Before starting each new type
or section of work ensure previous related work is:
  1.1. Appropriately complete.
  1.2. In accordance with the project documents.
  1.3. To a suitable standard.
  1.4. In a suitable condition to receive the new work.
2. Preparatory work: Ensure all necessary preparatory work has been carried out.

170 Manufacturer’s recommendations/ instructions
1. General: Comply with manufacturer's printed recommendations and instructions current on the date of the Invitation to tender.
2. Exceptions: Submit details of changes to recommendations or instructions.
3. Execution: Use ancillary products and accessories supplied or recommended by main product manufacturer.
4. Products: Comply with limitations, recommendations and requirements of relevant valid certificates.

180 Water for the works
1. Mains supply: Clean and uncontaminated.
2. Other: Do not use until:
  2.1. Evidence of suitability is provided.
  2.2. Tested to BS EN 1008 if instructed.

Samples/ approvals

210 Samples
1. Products or executions: Comply with all other specification requirements and in respect of the stated or
implied characteristics either:
  1.1. To an express approval.
  1.2. To match a sample expressly approved as a standard for the purpose.

220 Approval of products
1. Submissions, samples, inspections and tests: Undertake or arrange to suit the Works programme.
2. Approval: Relates to a sample of the product and not to the product as used in the Works. Do not confirm orders or use the product until approval of the sample has been obtained.
3. Complying sample: Retain in good, clean condition on site. Remove when no longer required.

230 Approval of execution
1. Submissions, samples, inspections and tests: Undertake or arrange to suit the Works programme.
2. Approval: Relates to the stated characteristics of the sample. (If approval of the finished work as a whole is required this is specified separately). Do not conceal, or proceed with affected work until compliance with requirements is confirmed.
3. Complying sample: Retain in good, clean condition on site. Remove when no longer required.

Accuracy/ setting out generally

320 Setting out
1. General: Submit details of methods and equipment to be used in setting out the Works.
2. Levels and dimensions: Check and record the results on a copy of drawings. Notify discrepancies and obtain instructions before proceeding.
3. Inform: When complete and before commencing construction.

330 Appearance and fit
1. Tolerances and dimensions: If likely to be critical to execution or difficult to achieve, as early as possible
  1.1. Submit proposals; or
  1.2. Arrange for inspection of appearance of relevant aspects of partially finished work.
2. General tolerances (maximum): To BS 5606, tables 1 and 2.

340 Critical dimensions
1. Critical dimensions: Set out and construct the Works to ensure compliance with the tolerances stated.
2. Location: Detailed on drawings GA-01 kitchen units plan.

350 Levels of structural floors
1. Maximum tolerances for designed levels to be
  1.1. Floors to be self-finished, and floors to receive sheet or tile finishes directly bedded in adhesive: +/- 10 mm.
  1.2. Floors to receive dry board/ panel construction with little or no tolerance on thickness: +/- 10 mm.
  1.3. Floors to receive mastic asphalt flooring/ underlays directly: +/- 10 mm.
  1.4. Floors to receive mastic asphalt flooring/ underlays laid on mastic asphalt levelling coat(s): +/- 15 mm.
  1.5. Floors to receive fully bonded screeds/ toppings/ beds: +/- 15 mm.
  1.6. Floors to receive unbonded or floating screeds/ beds: +/- 20 mm.

360 Record drawings
1. Site setting out drawing: Record details of all grid lines, setting-out stations, benchmarks and profiles.
Retain on site throughout the Contract and hand over on completion.

Services generally

410 Services regulations
1. New or existing services: Comply with the Byelaws or Regulations of the relevant Statutory Authority.

420 Water regulations/ byelaws notification
1. Requirements: Notify Water Undertaker of any work carried out to (or which affects) new or existing services and submit any required plans, diagrams and details.
2. Consent: Allow adequate time to receive Undertaker's consent before starting work. Inform immediately if consent is withheld or is granted subject to significant conditions.

430 Water regulations/ byelaws contractor’s certificate
1. On completion of the work: Submit (copy where also required to the Water Undertaker) a certificate including:
  1.1. The address of the premises.
  1.2. A brief description of the new installation and/ or work carried out to an existing installation.
  1.3. The Contractor's name and address.
  1.4. A statement that the installation complies with the relevant Water Regulations or Byelaws.
  1.5. The name and signature of the individual responsible for checking compliance.
  1.6. The date on which the installation was checked.

435 Electrical installation certificate
1. Submit: When relevant electrical work is completed.
2. Original certificate: To be lodged in the Building Manual.

440 Gas, oil and solid fuel appliance installation certificate
1. Before the completion date stated in the Contract: Submit a certificate stating:
  1.1. The address of the premises.
  1.2. A brief description of the new installation and/ or work carried out to an existing installation.
  1.3. Any special recommendations or instructions for the safe use and operation of appliances and flues.
  1.4. The Contractor's name and address.
  1.5. A statement that the installation complies with the appropriate safety, installation and use regulations.
  1.6. The name, qualification and signature of the competent person responsible for checking compliance.
  1.7. The date on which the installation was checked.
2. Certificate location:

445 Service runs
1. General: Provide adequate space and support for services, including unobstructed routes and fixings.
2. Ducts, chases and holes: Form during construction rather than cut.
3. Coordination with other works: Submit details of locations, types/ methods of fixing of services to fabric and identification of runs and fittings.

450 Mechanical and electrical services
1. Final tests and commissioning: Carry out so that services are in full working order at completion of the Works.
2. Building Regulations notice: Copy to be lodged in the Building Manual.

Supervision/ inspection/ defective work

525 Access
1. Extent: Provide at all reasonable times access to the Works and to other places of the Contractor or subcontractors where work is being prepared for the Contract.
2. Designate:

530 Overtime working
1. Notice: Prior to overtime being worked, submit details of times, types and locations of work to be done.
  1.1. Minimum period of notice:
2. Concealed work: If executed during overtime for which notice has not been given, it may be required to be opened up for inspection and reinstated at the Contractor's expense.

540 Defects in existing work
1. Undocumented defects: When discovered, immediately give notice. Do not proceed with affected related work until response has been received.
2. Documented remedial work: Do not execute work which may:
  2.1. Hinder access to defective products or work; or
  2.2. Be rendered abortive by remedial work.

560 Tests and inspections
1. Timing: Agree and record dates and times of tests and inspections to enable all affected parties to be represented.
2. Confirmation: One working day prior to each such test or inspection. If sample or test is not ready, agree a new date and time.
3. Records: Submit a copy of test certificates and retain copies on site.

610 Defective products/ executions
1. Proposals: Immediately any work or product is known, or appears, to be not in accordance with the Contract, submit proposals for opening up, inspection, testing, making good, adjustment of the Contract Sum, or removal and re-execution.
2. Acceptability: Such proposals may be unacceptable and contrary instructions may be issued.

Work at or after completion

710 Work before completion
1. General: Make good all damage consequent upon the Works.
2. Temporary markings, coverings and protective wrappings: Remove unless otherwise instructed.
3. Cleaning: Clean the Works thoroughly inside and out, including all accessible ducts and voids. Remove all splashes, deposits, efflorescence, rubbish and surplus materials.
4. Cleaning materials and methods: As recommended by manufacturers of products being cleaned, and must not damage or disfigure other materials or construction.
5. COSHH dated data sheets: Obtain for all materials used for cleaning and ensure they are used only as recommended by their manufacturers.
6. Minor faults: Touch up in newly painted work, carefully matching colour and brushing out edges. Repaint badly marked areas back to suitable breaks or junctions.
7. Moving parts of new work: Adjust, ease and lubricate as necessary to ensure easy and efficient operation, including doors, windows, drawers, ironmongery, appliances, valves and controls.

720 Security at completion
1. General: Leave the Works secure with, where appropriate, all accesses closed and locked.
2. Keys: Account for and adequately label all keys, and hand over together with an itemized schedule, retaining duplicate schedule signed as a receipt.

730 Making good defects
1. Remedial work: Arrange access with Employer.
2. Rectification: Give reasonable notice for access to the various parts of the Works.
3. Completion: Notify when remedial works have been completed.

740 Highway/ sewer adoption
1. Adoption procedure: Highways Act, Section 3
2. Details: Foul and surface water sewers.
3. Standard: To the technical approval of the relevant statutory authority
4. Defects liability/ rectification period: 12 months
5. Maintenance
  5.1. Undertake to the satisfaction of the relevant statutory authority, including:
6. Making good of damage due to reasonable wear and tear occurring during the period.
  6.1. Clean at the end of the period.

Security/ safety/ protection

Security, health and safety

120 Execution hazards
1. Common hazards: Not listed. Control by good management and site practice.
2. Significant hazards: The design of the project includes the following:
  2.1. Hazard: Connection to drainage
  2.2. Precautions assumed: Water works
  2.3. Specification reference:
  2.4. Drawing reference: GA-01

140 Construction phase health and safety plan
1. Submission: Present to the employer/ client no later than two weeks before commencement on site.
2. Confirmation: Do not start construction work until the employer has confirmed in writing that the construction phase health and safety plan includes the procedures and arrangements required by the CDM Regulations.
3. Content: Develop the plan from, and draw on, the outline construction phase health and safety plan, clause A30/570, and the pre-tender health and safety plan/ pre-construction information.

150 Security
1. Protection: Safeguard the site, the Works, products, materials, and any existing buildings affected by the Works from damage and theft.
2. Access: Take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to the site, the Works and adjoining property.
3. Special requirements: Keep all entrance doors locked when not in use.

160 Stability
1. Responsibility: Maintain the stability and structural integrity of the works and adjacent structures during the contract.
2. Design loads: Obtain details, support as necessary and prevent overloading.

170 Occupied premises
1. Extent: Existing buildings will be occupied and/ or used during the contract as follows: Church for daily worship and secular activities.
2. Works: Carry out without undue inconvenience and nuisance and without danger to occupants and users.
3. Overtime: If compliance with this clause requires certain operations to be carried out during overtime, and such overtime is not required for any other reason, the extra cost will be allowed, provided that such overtime is authorized in advance.

200 Mobile telephones and portable electronic equipment
1. Restrictions on use
  1.1. Not to be used in the church building.

210 Safety provisions for site visits
1. Safety: Submit details in advance of safety provisions and procedures (including those relating to materials, which may be deleterious), which will require their compliance when visiting the site.
2. Protective clothing and/ or equipment: Provide and maintain on site for visitors to the-site.

Protect against the following

340 Pollution
1. Prevention: Protect the site, the works and the general environment (including the atmosphere, land, streams and waterways) against pollution.
2. Contamination: If pollution occurs, report immediately, including to the appropriate authorities, and provide relevant information.

350 Pesticides
1. Use: Not permitted.

360 Nuisance
1. Duty: Prevent nuisance from smoke, dust, rubbish, vermin and other causes.
2. Surface water: Prevent hazardous build-up on-site, in excavations and to surrounding areas and roads.

370 Asbestos containing materials
1. Duty: Report immediately any suspected materials discovered during execution of the works.
  1.1. Do not disturb.
  1.2. Agree methods for safe removal or encapsulation.

371 Dangerous or hazardous substances
1. Duty: Report immediately suspected materials discovered during execution of the works.
  1.1. Do not disturb.
  1.2. Agree methods for safe removal or remediation.

375 Antiquities
1. Duty: Report immediately any fossils, antiquities and other objects of interest or value discovered during execution of the works.
2. Preservation: Keep objects in the exact position and condition in which they were found.
3. Special requirements: None.

380 Fire prevention
1. Duty: Prevent personal injury or death, and damage to the Works or other property from fire.
2. Standard: Comply with Joint Code of Practice 'Fire Prevention on Construction Sites', published by Construction Industry Publications and The Fire Protection Association (The 'Joint Fire Code').

390 Smoking on-site
1. Smoking on-site: Not permitted.

400 Burning on-site
1. Burning on-site: Not permitted.

410 Moisture
1. Wetness or dampness: Prevent, where this may cause damage to the Works.
2. Drying out: Control humidity and the application of heat to prevent:
  2.1. Blistering and failure of adhesion.
  2.2. Damage due to trapped moisture.
  2.3. Excessive movement.

420 Infected timber/ Contaminated materials
1. Removal: Where instructed to remove material affected by fungal/ insect attack from the building, minimize the risk of infecting other parts of the building.
2. Testing: carry out and keep records of appropriate tests to demonstrate that hazards presented by concentrations of airborne particles, toxins and other microorganisms are within acceptable levels.

430 Waste
1. Waste: Includes rubbish, debris, spoil, containers and packaging, and surplus material requiring disposal.
2. Requirement: Minimize production and prevent accumulation of waste. Keep the site and works clean and tidy. Clean out voids and cavities in the construction before closing.
3. Disposal: Collect and store in suitable containers. Remove from site and dispose of in a safe and competent manner, as approved and directed by the waste regulation authority.
4. Recyclable material: Sort and dispose of at a materials recycling facility approved by the waste regulation authority.
5. Documentation: Retain on-site.

440 Electromagnetic interference
1. Duty: Prevent excessive electromagnetic disturbance to apparatus outside the site.

460 Powder actuated fixing systems
1. Use: Not permitted.

Protect the following

510 Existing services
1. Confirmation: Notify all service authorities, statutory undertakers and/ or adjacent owners of proposed works not less than one week before commencing site operations.
2. Identification: Before starting work, check and mark positions of utilities/ services. Where positions are not shown on drawings obtain relevant details from service authorities, statutory undertakers or other owners.
3. Work adjacent to services
  3.1. Comply with service authority's/ statutory undertaker's recommendations.
  3.2. Adequately protect, and prevent damage to services: Do not interfere with their operation without consent of service authorities/ statutory undertakers or other owners.
4. Identifying services
  4.1. Below ground: Use signboards, giving type and depth;
  4.2. Overhead: Use headroom markers.
5. Damage to services: If any results from execution of the Works:
  5.1. Immediately give notice and notify appropriate service authority/ statutory undertaker.
  5.2. Make arrangements for the work to be made good without delay to the satisfaction of service authority/ statutory undertaker or other owner as appropriate.
  5.3. Any measures taken to deal with an emergency will not affect the extent of the Contractor's liability.
6. Marker tapes or protective covers: Replace, if disturbed during site operations, to service authority's/statutory undertakers recommendations.

520 Roads and footpaths
1. Duty: Maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and keep clear of mud and debris.
2. Damage caused by site traffic or otherwise consequent upon the Works: Make good to the satisfaction of the Employer, Local Authority or other owner.

530 Existing topsoil/ subsoil
1. Duty: Prevent over compaction of existing topsoil and subsoil in those areas which may be damaged by construction traffic, parking of vehicles, temporary site accommodation or storage of materials and which will require reinstatement prior to completion of the Works.
2. Protection: Before starting work submit proposals for protective measures.

540 Retained trees/ shrubs/ grassed areas
1. Protection: Preserve and prevent damage, except those not required.
2. Replacement: Mature trees and shrubs if uprooted, destroyed, or damaged beyond reasonable chance of survival in their original shape, as a consequence of the Contractor's negligence, must be replaced with those of a similar type and age at the Contractor's expense.

550 Retained trees
1. Protected area: Unless agreed otherwise, do not:
  1.1. Dump spoil or rubbish, excavate or disturb topsoil, park vehicles or plant, store materials or place temporary accommodation within the root protection area.
  1.2. Sever roots exceeding 25 mm in diameter. If unintentionally severed, give notice and seek advice.
  1.3. Change level of ground within an area 3 m beyond branch spread.

560 Existing features
1. Protection: Prevent damage to existing buildings, fences, gates, walls, roads, paved areas and other site features, which are to remain in position during execution of the Works.
2. Special requirements: Protect flooring and pillars in area of proposal; and be considerate of church features when delivering kitchen products and units to site. Cutting processes for drainage works should be carefully planned.

570 Existing work
1. Protection: Prevent damage to existing work, structures or other property during the course of the work.
2. Removal: Minimum amount necessary.
3. Replacement work: To match existing.

580 Building interiors
1. Protection: Prevent damage from exposure to the environment, including weather, flora, fauna, and other causes of material degradation during the course of the work.

600 Existing furniture, fittings and equipment
1. Protection: Prevent damage or move as necessary to enable the Works to be executed. Reinstate in original positions.
2. Extent: Before work in each room starts, the following will be removed:
  2.1. ……….

625 Adjoining property restrictions
1. Precautions
  1.1. Prevent trespass of workpeople and take precautions to prevent damage to adjoining property.
  1.2. Pay all charges.
  1.3. Remove and make good on completion or when directed.
2. Damage: Bear cost of repairing damage arising from execution of the Works.

630 Existing structures
1. Duty: Check proposed methods of work for effects on adjacent structures inside and outside the site boundary.
2. Supports: During execution of the Works:
  2.1. Provide and maintain all incidental shoring, strutting, needling and other supports as may be necessary to preserve stability of existing structures on the site or adjoining that may be endangered
or affected by the Works.
  2.2. Do not remove until new work is strong enough to support existing structure.
  2.3. Prevent overstressing of completed work when removing supports.
3. Adjacent structures: Monitor and immediately report excessive movement.
4. Standard: Comply with BS 5975 and BS EN 12812.

640 Materials for recycling/ reuse
1. Duty: Sort and prevent damage to stated products or materials, clean off bedding and jointing materials and other contaminants.
2. Storage: Stack neatly and protect until required by the Employer or for use in the Works as instructed.

Specific limitations on method/ sequence/ timing


130 Method/ sequence of work
1. Specific Limitations: Include the following in the programme:
  1.1. Protection of church features, Connection to drainage, installation of kitchen.

160 Use or disposal of materials
1. Specific limitations: Do not dispose of on site.

170 Working Hours
1. Specific limitations: 8am-6pm Monday to Saturday; to be confirmed with Employer

Facilities/ temporary work/ services


110 Spoil heaps, temporary works and services
1. Location: Give notice and details of intended siting.
2. Maintenance: Alter, adapt and move as necessary. Remove when no longer required and make good.


230 Temporary accommodation
1. Accommodation made available by the Employer: The following may be used for the duration of the Contract without charge provided that:
  1.1. It is used solely for the purposes of carrying out the Works.
  1.2. The use to which it is put does not involve undue risk of damage.
  1.3. Any temporary adaptations are approved by or on behalf of the Employer before being carried out.
  1.4. It is vacated on completion of the Works or determination of the Contract.
  1.5. When vacated, its condition is at least equivalent to its condition at the start of the Contract.
2. Description: Existing external footpaths.
3. Available services and facilities: Electrical, gas and water supply; to be confirmed with Employer.

Temporary works

310 Roads
1. Permanent roads, hard standings and footpaths on the site: The following may be used, subject to clause A34/520:
  1.1. Details: Existing footpaths
  1.2. Restrictions on use: Not suitable for vehicles. Allow access at all times.
  1.3. Protective or remedial measures: Record condition of hard surfaces, provide suitable protection and make good any damage upon completion.

340 Name boards/ advertisements
1. Name boards/ advertisements: Not permitted.

Services and facilities

410 Lighting
1. Finishing work and inspection: Provide temporary lighting, the intensity and direction of which closely resembles that delivered by the permanent installation.

420 Lighting and power
1. Supply: Electricity from the existing mains may be used for the Works as follows:
  1.1. Metering: Metered by the Employer and charged to the Contractor
  1.2. Point of supply: To be advised
  1.3. Available capacity: To be advised.
  1.4. Frequency: 50 Hz.
  1.5. Phase: TBC
  1.6. Current: Alternating.
2. Continuity: No responsibility will be accepted for the consequences of failure or restriction in supply.

425 Gas
1. Supply: The existing mains may be used for the Works as follows:
  1.1. Metering: Metered by the Purchaser and charged to the Contractor
  1.2. Source: To be advised.
  1.3. Location of supply point: To be advised.
  1.4. Conditions/ Restrictions: TBC.
2. Continuity: No liability will be accepted for the consequences of failure or restriction in supply.

430 Water
1. Supply: The existing mains may be used for the Works as follows:
  1.1. Metering: Metered by the Contractor and charged to the Contractor
  1.2. Source: Mains water supply
  1.3. Location of supply point: To be advised.
  1.4. Conditions/ Restrictions: Use solely for the purposes of the works.
2. Continuity: No responsibility will be accepted for the consequences of failure or restriction in supply.

440 Telephones
1. Direct communication: As soon as practicable after the Date of Possession provide the Contractor's person in charge with a mobile telephone.

520 Use of permanent heating system
1. Permanent heating installation: May be used for drying out the Works/ services and controlling temperature and humidity levels.
2. Installation: If used:
  2.1. Take responsibility for operation, maintenance and remedial work.
  2.2. Arrange supervision by and indemnification of the appropriate Subcontractors.
  2.3. Pay costs arising.

530 Beneficial use of installed systems
1. The following permanent systems may be used for the Works: Select from list Supply
2. Details: Water supply to new kitchen tap

540 Meter readings
1. Charges for service supplies: Where to be apportioned ensure that:
  1.1. Meter readings are taken by relevant authority at possession and/ or completion as appropriate.
  1.2. Copies of readings are supplied to interested parties.

570 Personal protective equipment
1. General: Provide for the sole use of other members of the project team, in sizes to be specified:
  1.1. Safety helmets to BS EN 397, neither damaged nor time expired. Number required: 3
  1.2. High visibility waistcoats to BS EN ISO 20471 Class 2. Number required: 3.
  1.3. Safety boots with steel insole and toecap to BS EN ISO 20345. Pairs required: none
  1.4. Disposable respirators to BS EN 149.FFP1S.
  1.5. Eye protection to BS EN 166.
  1.6. Ear protection - muffs to BS EN 352-1, plugs to BS EN 352-2
  1.7. Hand protection - to BS EN 388, 407, 420 or 511, as appropriate.

Operation/ maintenance of the finished works


110 The building manual
1. Responsibility: The Manual is to be produced by the Contractor and must be completed no later than 2 weeks before completion.
2. Content: Obtain and provide comprehensive information for owners and users of the completed Works.
Include an overview of the main design principles and describe key components and systems within the finished Works, so affording a complete understanding of the Works, including all buildings and their systems to enable efficient and safe operation and maintenance.
3. Specific requirements: Prepare all information for Contractor designed or performance specified work including as-built drawings.
4. Format: A3 folded in A4 Hardback folder.
5. Number of copies: 1
6. Delivery to: Contract Administator by (date) 2 weeks before completion date stated in the contract.

115 The Health and Safety File
1. Responsibility: the contractor
2. Content: Obtain and provide the following information: Brief descriptioin of the work.
3. Format: A4 hardback folder
4. Delivery to: Parish office By (date): two weeks after completion.

155 Content of the building manual
1. General: Details of the property, the parties, fire safety strategy, operational requirements and constraints of a general nature.
2. Building fabric: Design criteria, maintenance details, product details, and environmental and trafficking conditions.
3. Building services: Description and operation of systems, diagrammatic drawings, record drawings, identification of services, product details, equipment settings, maintenance schedules, consumable items, spares and emergency procedures.
4. Documentation: Guarantees, warranties, maintenance agreements, test certificates and reports.

160 Presentation of building manual
1. Format: A4 size, plastics covered, loose leaf, four ring binders with hard covers, each indexed, divided and appropriately cover titled.
2. Selected drawings needed to illustrate or locate items mentioned in the Manual: Where larger than A4, to be folded and accommodated in the binders so that they may be unfolded without being detached from the rings.
3. As-built drawings: The main sets may form annexes to the Manual.

190 Maintenance service
1. Scope: Provide a comprehensive maintenance service for the following items of plant and equipment. Include all planned preventative maintenance, as set out within the maintenance schedule, and replacement of all consumable items.
  1.1. - Boiler and heating system. - water supply .
2. Terms: To be advised
3. Commencement: To be advised.
4. Duration: To be advised.

Contractor's general cost items: management and staff


110 Management and staff
1. Cost-significant items: Kitchen units, kitchen worktop, sink and fittings, water supply pipework

Contractor's general cost items: site accommodation


110 Site accommodation
1. Details: Site accommodation required or made/ not made available by the Employer: See section A36.
2. Cost significant items: if required.

Contractor's general cost items: services and facilities


110 Services and facilities
1. Details: Services or facilities required or made/ not made available by the Employer: See section A36.
2. Cost significant items: Water supply connection, heating to water supply.

Contractor's general cost items: mechanical plant


110 Mechanical plant
1. Cost significant items:

Contractor's general cost items: temporary works


110 Temporary works
1. Details: Temporary works required or made/ not made available by the Employer: See section A36.
2. Cost significant items: Electrical, water supply

Work/ products by/ on behalf of the employer


120 Products provided by/ on behalf of employer
1. General: Details of such products are given in the work sections, for fixing as part of the contract. Use for no other purpose than the Works.
2. Handling: Accept delivery, check against receipts and take into appropriate storage.
3. Surplus products: Keep safe and obtain instructions.

Work by statutory authorities/ undertakers


120 Work by statutory undertakers
1. Item:
2. Description of work:
3. Provisional Sum: Include ……….
4. Allow for general attendance.

Provisional work/ items


110 Provisional sums for defined work
1. Item: Kitchen within Nave, electrical connection
2. Description of work: Installation of kitchen units, appliances, worktop and servery
3. Provisional Sums: Include Supply & installation.
4. Allow for general attendance.

210 Provisional sums for undefined work
1. Item: Hot & cold Water supply and drainage
2. Description of work: Water pipes
3. Provisional Sums: Include Supply and Installation.
4. Allow for general attendance.

520 Provisional sums not specifically for work – Building control prescribed inspection fee
1. Provisional sum: Include: not yet defined.

590 Contingencies
1. Provisional sum: Include: 10%.



150 Daywork Charges
1. General: Where an instruction is issued requiring a variation which is not of a similar character or executed under similar conditions to work included in the Contract and where work cannot properly be
measured and valued, the Contractor shall be allowed payment on a daywork basis at the following rates:
2. RICS/ Construction Confederation: Prime cost of labour: The sum of £ ……….
  2.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
3. Prime cost of materials and goods: The sum of £ ……….
  3.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
4. Prime cost of plant: The sum of £ ……….
  4.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
5. RICS/ Electrical Contractors' Association: Prime cost of labour: The sum of £ ……….
  5.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
6. Prime cost of materials and goods: The sum of £ ……….
  6.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR
7. Prime cost of plant: The sum of £ ……….
  7.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
8. RICS/ Electrical Contractors' Association of Scotland: Prime cost of labour: The sum of £ ……….
  8.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
9. Prime cost of materials and goods: The sum of £ ……….
  9.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
10. Prime cost of plant: The sum of £ ……….
  10.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
11. RICS/ Building Engineering Services Association: Prime cost of labour: The sum of £ ……….
  11.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
12. Prime cost of materials and goods: The sum of £ ……….
  12.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
13. Prime cost of plant: The sum of £ ……….
  13.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
14. RICS/ National Association of Plumbing, Heating and Mechanical Services contractors: Prime cost of labour: The Sum of £ ……….
  14.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
15. Prime cost of materials and goods: The Sum of £ ……….
  15.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.
16. Prime cost of plant: The Sum of £ ……….
  16.1. Percentage adjustment to cover incidental costs, overheads and profit: TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR%.



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